Download Parking Brake System (Section PB)
Manual Description(SRS) AIR BAG” and SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER” 2, sERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) 10, precautions for Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) AIR BAG” SEAT, the Supplemental Restraint System such as AIR BAG” and SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER”, used along.
With a front seat belt, helps to reduce the risk or severity of injury to the driver and front passenger certain, system uses the seat belt switches to determine the front air bag deployment, and may only deploy one front, air bag, depending on the severity of a collision and whether the front occupants belted unbelted, information necessary to service the system safely is included in the SRS and SB section Service Manual.
To avoid rendering the SRS inoperative, which could increase the risk of personal injury death, improper maintenance, including incorrect removal and installation of the SRS, can lead to personal injury caused by unintentional activation of the system, do not use electrical test equipment on any circuit related to the SRS unless instructed, remove all parking brake cable nuts bolts, loosen.
Remove the pin, then parking brake cable, installation is in the reverse order removal, check control lever for wear or other damage, check wires for discontinuity or deterioration.
Check parts at each connecting portion and, if found deformed damaged, replace, check if the control lever stroke is within specification, remove control lever finisher center console, loosen the parking brake cable adjusting nut fully release.
Adjust clearance of the rear parking brake shoes, depress the brake pedal fully more than five times, make sure that no drag exists while rotating rear wheels, operate control lever 10 times or more with full stroke [216.
Adjust control lever by turning adjusting nut, pull control lever with specified amount force, lever stroke ensure smooth operation, q Remove the rear disc rotor, refer BR-30, "Removal.
Installation of Caliper Assembly and Disc Rotor", toggle lever returns to stopper when the parking brake lever, if toggle lever does not return to stopper, loosen adjusting nut, install rear disc rotor and adjust shoe clearance.
Clean brakes with a vacuum dust collector to minimize the hazard of airborne particles other materials, rotate the star wheel on the adjuster assembly direction, shown to retract parking brake shoes, installation is in the reverse order of removal noting following.
Apply brake grease to the contact areas shown, install the parking brake shoe springs shown, the orientation of the adjuster is different left right, assemble the adjuster so that the threaded part expanded.
When rotating it to the direction as shown, after installing parking brake shoes and rotor, adjust parking, visually inspect the lining for abnormal wear, damage peeling, measure thickness "A" of the lining using micrometer.
Visually inspect the inside of the drum for abnormal wear, damage and cracks, if necessary, remove the parking brake shoe check follows, check the shoe sliding surface for abnormal wear damage, check the anchor pin for abnormal wear corrosion.
Check the return springs sagging, check the adjuster rough operation, make sure the parking brake control lever is fully released and parking brake cable adjusting nut loosened, remove the adjuster hole plug installed on rotor.
Screwdriver, turn the adjuster as shown until rotor locked, after locking, turn the adjuster in the opposite direction 5 6, rotate the rotor to make sure that there is no drag.