2000 Nissan Maxima - Front & Rear Suspension (Section SU) (28 pages)

Model: 2000 Nissan Maxima
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Pages: 28 pages

Download Front & Rear Suspension (Section SU)

Manual Description
Transverse Link Lower Ball Joint13, torsion Beam, Lateral Link Control Rod26, when installing rubber parts, final tightening must be carried out under unladen condition* with tires ground, oil will shorten the life of rubber bushes.

*: Fuel, radiator coolant and engine oil full, hand tools and mats designated positions, after installing removed suspension parts, check wheel, use flare nut wrench when removing installing brake.

Always torque brake lines when installing, lock nuts are unreusable parts; always use new ones, when replacing, do not wipe the oil off new lock nut, the actual shapes of Kent-Moore tools may differ from those of special service tools illustrated here.

Removing tie-rod outer end lower ball joint, removing and installing each brake piping, noise, Vibration Harshness (NVH) Troubleshooting, use the chart below to help you find the cause of the symptom.

Check front axle and front suspension parts excessive play, ¼ Shake each front wheel to check excessive play, ¼ Make sure that cotter pin inserted, ¼ Retighten all axle and suspension nuts and bolts specified torque.

Check strut (shock absorber) for oil leakage other damage, check suspension ball joint for grease leakage ball joint, dust cover for cracks other damage, if ball joint dust cover is cracked or damaged, replace transverse link.

Check spring height from top of wheelarch ground, vehicle must be unladen*, parked on a level surface, tires, checked for proper inflation and wear (tread wear indicator, bounce vehicle up and down several times before measuring.

Standard height: Refer SDS (SU-17), check suspension ball joint end play, jack up front of vehicle set stands, clamp dial indicator onto transverse link place indicator tip.

On lower edge brake caliper, make sure front wheels are straight brake pedal, place a pry bar between transverse link and inner rim road, while raising and releasing pry bar, observe maximum dial.

Vertical end play: 0 mm (0 in), if ball joint movement is beyond specifications, remove, before checking front wheel alignment, be sure to make preliminary inspection (Unladen*), tools and mats designated positions.

If deformed, remove wheel check wheel runout, radial runout = (A + B)/2, lateral runout = (C + D)/2, in case a positive or negative value is not available, use.

Maximum value (negative or positive) total runout, if the total runout value exceeds the limit, replace steel wheel, camber, caster and kingpin inclination preset factory, and left wheels with suitable alignment gauge.

Measure toe-in using following procedure, ¼ Always perform the following procedure flat surface, ¼ Make sure that no person is in front vehicle before, push the vehicle slowly ahead to rotate wheels 180.

If the wheels have rotated more than 180 degrees (1/2 turn), try, the above procedure again from beginning, adjust toe-in by varying the length steering tie-rods.