Download Starting System (Section STR)
Manual Description(SRS) "AIR BAG" "SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER"15, wiring Diagram - STARTING SYSTEM - 9, to ensure a complete and thorough diagnosis, the battery, starter motor and alternator test segments must be, done as a set start finish.
Perform the starting system test with Starting/Charging System Tester (SST: J-44373), ing instructions, refer Technical Service Bulletin, cHARGE BATTERY>>Perform the slow battery charging procedure, rEPLACE BATTERY>>Before replacing battery, clean the battery cable clamps battery posts.
Check that the starter motor operates correctly, yES >> Starter motor OK, check that starter motor operates, yES >> Check ring gear and starter motor drive pinion.
Compare the engine coolant temperature and the cranking voltage with specifications, minimum Specification of Cranking Voltage Referencing Coolant Temperature, more than (More than 34), is the voltage less than specified value.
Does the starter motor turn smoothly, check that the engine can be rotated by hand, does the engine turn freely by hand, >> Perform further diagnosis of engine mechanical or powertrain mechanism.
The starter motor plunger closes and provides a closed circuit between the battery starter motor, starter motor is grounded to the engine block, inside of A/T (built into A/T), tCM supplies power to the starter relay starter control relay.
Inside IPDM E/R when the selector lever is shifted to P N, the switch turns ON and electric power is supplied starter, relay and starter control relay inside IPDM E/R when clutch, bCM controls the starter relay inside IPDM E/R.
CPU inside IPDM E/R controls starter control relay, the starter motor plunger closes and the motor supplied with, battery power, which in turn cranks the engine, when the S” terminal is supplied with electric power, the B” terminal is constantly supplied with battery power.
Perform diagnosis under the condition that engine cannot start by following procedure, check that starter motor B” terminal connection clean tight, check voltage between starter motor B” terminal ground, >> Check harness between battery and starter motor open circuit.
Shift A/T selector lever to P” or N” position, check voltage between battery positive terminal and starter motor B” terminal, >> Check harness between the battery and the starter motor poor continuity, check voltage between starter motor case battery negative terminal.
YES >> B” terminal circuit is OK, >> Check the starter motor case and ground poor continuity, the starter motor magnetic switch is supplied with power when the ignition switch is turned to the START position while the selector lever is in the P or N position for A/T models or the clutch pedal depressed M/T, check voltage between starter motor harness connector ground.
YES >> S” connector circuit is OK, check continuity between starter motor harness connector and IPDM E/R harness connector, yES >> Further inspection is necessary, wiring Diagram - STARTING SYSTEM .
Precaution for Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) "AIR BAG" "SEAT BELT, the Supplemental Restraint System such as AIR BAG” and SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER”, used along, with a front seat belt, helps to reduce the risk or severity of injury to the driver and front passenger certain, system uses the seat belt switches to determine the front air bag deployment, and may only deploy one front.
Air bag, depending on the severity of a collision and whether the front occupants belted unbelted, information necessary to service the system safely is included in the SRS AIR BAG” and SEAT BELT”, to avoid rendering the SRS inoperative, which could increase the risk of personal injury death.
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