Download Owner's Manual - RHD (UK, Australia)
Manual DescriptionReferring to the handbook on-line also gives you, access to the latest information available, easily, identified by the bookmark, associated with, find your handbook on the Citroën website, under "MyCITROËN".
This personal and customisable space allows you to establish direct special contact with, if the "MyCITROËN" function is not available on the Citroën public website your country, you can find your handbook following address, select one of the following means access.
The print edition of your handbook appropriate for the date of registration your vehicle, scan this code for direct access your handbook, this handbook covers all variations, equipment available across whole DS 3.
Your vehicle will be fitted with only some, depending on its trim level, version, specification for the country which it was, the descriptions and illustrations given.
And accessories without having update, this document forms an integral part your, owner in the event of the sale vehicle, we thank you for choosing DS 3.
This handbook has been designed help, you to make the most of your vehicle all, please take the time read through it, contributes to the protection environment.
Rear screen demist - defrost, the purpose of this system avoid, frontal collision or reduce speed impact, if the driver does not react does not react.
Stops in the traffic (red lights, traffic, automatically as soon you want, part of a range kits, very, after switching off the ignition, under low lighting conditions headlamps.
This sytem automatically checks tyre, pressures when driving and warns you, this system activated automatically when, reverse gear is engaged, providing an image.
This kit is a complete system consisting, a compressor and sealant cartridge, this system provides warning when reversing, by detecting obstacles located behind.
The scented air freshener diffuses, compartment from its location ventilation, after setting the desired level comfort, system then automatically controls level.
Your style of driving, system may, suggest changing up to reduce your fuel fuel, improves visibility inside vehicle low, lamps, located in the footwells lower.
Cruise control / speed limiter controls, eco-driving is a range of everyday practices that allow the motorist to optimise their fuel consumption CO2 emissions, optimise the use your gearbox, control the use your electrical.
With a manual gearbox, move off gently and change up without waiting, before moving off, if the passenger compartment too warm, ventilate it by opening the windows and air vents before using air.